Popular Korean drama “Athena” had a live event that took place on January 7th at the Saitama Super Arena in Japan. Among those who attended the event include “Athena” cast members Cha Seungwon, Sooae, and Choi Siwon. K-pop artists with connections to the drama were also present, such as Super Junior, Girls’ Generation’s Taeyeon, and SHINee (minus Onew who was absent due to a fever). 30,000 people came to this event, showing their support and enthusiasm for both performances, one occurring during the day and the other in the evening. During the event’s press conference, Taeyeon shared her thoughts on being at the Saitama Super Arena for the first time without her fellow Girls’ Generation members. ”Girls’ Generation has performed at Saitama Super Arena before, so it is a place that holds a lot memories for us,” said Taeyeon, who looked a little uneasy being alone on stage. ”Being on such a spacious stage by myself feels a little bit lonely.
Source: Sanspo.com, news24.jp, soshified.com